Title: Modelling and simulation for critical infrastructure interdependency assessment: a meta-review for model characterisation
Authors: Chloe Griot
Addresses: Institute for the Protection and the Security of Citizen (IPSC), Joint Research Center, Via Fermi, 2749 – Ispra 21027 (VA), Italy
Abstract: Based on 12 scientific references reviewing the literature on modelling and simulation (M&S) for critical infrastructure interdependency (CII) assessment, this meta-review identifies means to characterise CII M&S models. The reviews are analysed with the aim of identifying and formalising the elements of description used by the authors. CII M&S model classification, criteria of description and best approaches, are the main outcomes generally provided by these reviews. However, these three elements vary amongst the reviews. This paper presents a template in order to describe and analyse CII M&S models in a consistent and standardised manner. It suggests a list of 11 categories of criteria and 25 sub-criteria for characterising a CII M&S model. An example illustrates that the grid is easily applicable and helps making a CII M&S model quickly understandable.
Keywords: critical infrastructures; interdependency assessment; cascading failure; model characterisation; modelling; simulation; description criteria.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCIS.2010.037453
International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 2010 Vol.6 No.4, pp.363 - 379
Published online: 13 Dec 2010 *
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