Title: The competition policy in the globalisation era
Authors: Angela Rogojanu, Diana Mihaela Pociovalisteanu, Liana Badea
Addresses: Department of Communication and Economic Doctrines, Academy of Economic Studies, Romana Square No. 6, Bucharest 010371, Romania. ' Faculty of Public Administration and Comparative Politics Studies, ''Constantin Brancusi'' University of Targu-Jiu, Grivitei Street, No. 1,Tg-Jiu, Romania. ' Department of Communication and Economic Doctrines, Academy of Economic Studies, Romana Square No. 6, Bucharest 010371, Romania
Abstract: A market economy cannot exist without competition, which represents a guarantee for a free game of the market forces and for building an economic environment able to cope with competitive pressures of the global market. Thus, the legislative framework in the competition field is essential for strengthening the private sector as an engine of growth and development and for prohibiting any restrictive practices by undertakings, which may be shaped as agreements or abuse of dominant position. Starting from such aspects, this paper aims to emphasise the role of the competition in a globalised world.
Keywords: globalisation; competition policy; market economy; crisis; restrictive practices; legislation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJFIP.2010.037473
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, 2010 Vol.6 No.4, pp.282 - 293
Published online: 14 Dec 2010 *
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