Title: Conception of a Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) incineration plant and its environmental benefit
Authors: Konstantin Haker, Jan Kruger, Kerstin Kuchta
Addresses: Faculty Life Sciences Department Environmental Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg (HAW), Lohbruegger Kirchstrasse 65, D-21033 Hamburg, Germany. ' SRH Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (SRHH), Unternehmen der Stadtreinigung Hamburg AoR, Beteiligungsmanagement Bullerdeich 19, D-20537 Hamburg, Germany. ' Institute of Environmental Technology and Energy Economy, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Harburger Schlossstrasse 36, D-21079 Hamburg, Germany
Abstract: Since landfill ban was realised in July 2009 in Germany, wastes that have a high and middle calorific value must be incinerated. Fossil fuels like oil and coal for the generation of electricity and/or heat can be substituted, so that approximately 4 million tons of CO2 could be avoided. Waste incineration is a possible partial solution for avoiding worst impacts of climate change. This paper explores the concept of an incineration plant for waste with a reference calorific value of 15,000 kJ/kg. The plant layout, energy usage, opportunities to reduce CO2 emissions and Germany|s contribution to climate change are discussed.
Keywords: carbon emissions; waste incineration; carbon dioxide emissions; CO2 emissions; reduction potential; waste management; biogenic content; best practice incineration; GHG emissions; greenhouse gases; landfill ban; Germany; climate change; global warming.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2010 Vol.2 No.4, pp.279 - 291
Published online: 19 Dec 2010 *
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