Title: Healthcare information system: building a cyber database for educated decision making
Authors: PohWah Khong, RongMing Ren
Addresses: Division of System Engineering – Management, School of Mechanical – Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, 639798 Singapore. ' Economic and Financial Department, Management School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 535 Fahua Zhen Road, Shanghai 200052, China
Abstract: Healthcare information is recognised as a promising direction for life science research and development to explore its fundamental roles on the next generation of web-empowered products, systems, services and activities. The use of information technology (IT) in healthcare industry has become more prominent due to the rising need to provide a cost-effective and high quality healthcare service. The proposed healthcare information system, namely healthcare database information system (HDIS) is a medical information system for educated decision making which aims to provide healthcare/medical information to a wide range of users from public at large, doctors to healthcare planners. HDIS focuses on providing healthcare personnel, patients and caretakers with information when they need it and where they need it so that they can make educated decisions. A modular system was conceptualised where each function of the system was segregated into different small programs. This enables end-user to customise his own system to his own needs without redundant features in the system. Such a system also allows for a continual build up of database which would lead to improved data quality and comparability in a cyber community.
Keywords: healthcare information systems; medical information systems; MIS; web intelligence; healthcare engineering; information technology; communication technology; ICT; decision making; e-healthcare; electronic healthcare.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMIC.2011.037842
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2011 Vol.12 No.1/2, pp.133 - 140
Published online: 21 Mar 2015 *
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