Title: A review for ubiquitous commerce research and application (2000-2009)
Authors: Liyi Zhang, Qihua Liu
Addresses: Center for Studies of Information Resources and Center for Studies of Modern Services, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China. ' School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
Abstract: As the next generation of business model, ubiquitous commerce (u-commerce) triggered a lot of attention among the academic circle, enterprises and governmental agencies. We review the literature on u-commerce, and suggest directions for research in this still emerging field. The 171 papers about u-commerce (2000-2009) are classified and the results are presented based on a scheme that consists of three distinct layers: the theory layer, the technology layer and the application layer. The paper|s results could significantly help other researchers by providing a source of authoritative review and papers classified per subject and research method used.
Keywords: ubiquitous commerce; ubiquitous business; pervasive commerce; ubiquitous information systems; ubiquitous applications; pervasive applications; mobile communications; literature review; u-commerce; u-business.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2011 Vol.9 No.1, pp.39 - 56
Published online: 07 Jan 2011 *
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