Title: Modelling and simulation: implementing selective catalytic reduction catalyst for removal of nitrogen oxides from exhaust gas of combustion engines
Authors: Muhammad Nomani Kabir, Abdisalam Issa-Salwe, Munir Ahmed
Addresses: Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Science and Engineering, Taibah University, P.O. Box 30002, Madinah Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia. ' Department of Information System, College of Computer Science and Engineering, Taibah University, P.O. Box 30002, Madinah Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia. ' Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Science and Engineering, Taibah University, P.O. Box 30002, Madinah Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia
Abstract: Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst is currently considered the most effective technology for high nitrogen oxides removal from exhaust gas of a diesel engine using ammonia as a reducing agent. To design an SCR catalyst, we require knowing the flow and reactive properties, geometric feature and thermal properties of the SCR catalyst. These properties can be described using partial differential equations (PDEs). PDEs can be solved by numerical methods. However, chemical reaction parameters from the reactive gases are unknown in PDEs. Therefore, the model cannot be solved unless the parameters are identified. Identification of reaction parameters in an SCR catalyst leads to a highly non-linear least squares problem. In this work, we solved this least squares problem for reaction parameters. Using these reaction parameters, the model was used to simulate the nitrogen oxides emission from an SCR catalyst.
Keywords: diesel engines; selective catalytic reduction; SCR; finite volume method; nonlinear least squares; parameter identification; NOx removal; exhaust emissions; nitrogen oxides; exhaust gases; combustion engines.
DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2010.038038
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, 2010 Vol.5 No.4, pp.358 - 378
Published online: 13 Jan 2011 *
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