Title: Advertising on the internet: perceptions of advertising agencies and marketing managers
Authors: Dimitris A. Drossos, Konstantinos G. Fouskas, Flora Kokkinaki, Dimitrios Papakyriakopoulos
Addresses: Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean, P.C.83200 Karlovassi, Samos, Greece. ' Department of Technology Management, University of Macedonia, Area of Loggou Tourpali, Naoussa, 59200, Greece. ' Department of Marketing and Communication, Athens University of Economics and Business, 76 Patision Str., Athens 10434, Greece. ' ELTRUN Research Centre, Athens University of Economics and Business, 47 Evelpidon and Lefkados Str., 113 62, Athens, Greece
Abstract: While a significant number of companies have invested in internet advertising and clearly digital media continue to grow in popularity, a significant segment of organisations is still uncertain about internet advertising efficiency. The purpose of this study is to gain insights into the perceptions of both advertised firms and advertising agencies of the internet as an advertising medium in order to identify the factors that inhibit or reinforce the integration of the new medium into their strategies and to identify future trends. One hundred and 24 managers participated in this study and their responses indicate that currently internet advertising is perceived as a questionable and ineffective marketing channel. However, in the short run, marketers and agencies are willing to exploit the benefits of internet advertising.
Keywords: online advertising; marketing managers; advertising agencies; perceptions; digital media; efficiency; new medium; effectiveness; marketing channels; marketers; Greece; internet marketing; world wide web; electronic business; e-business; digital marketing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIMA.2011.038238
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2011 Vol.6 No.3, pp.244 - 264
Published online: 26 Nov 2014 *
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