Title: Production-distribution network analysis using an intelligent simulator
Authors: Abderrahmane Bensmaine, Lyes Benyoucef, Zaki Sari
Addresses: INRIA-Nancy Grand-Est, COSTEAM-Project, ISGMP Bat. A, Metz, 57000, France. ' INRIA-Nancy Grand-Est, COSTEAM-Project, ISGMP Bat. A, Metz, 57000, France. ' Automatic Laboratory of Tlemcen, AbouBekr Belkaid University, Algeria
Abstract: Existing simulation tools are able to map large size supply chains and can accommodate complex random phenomena. Nevertheless, they have significant weakness in the power of decision-making. Indeed, most of the problems of decision-making are typically determined by simplified rules. For this reason, involving optimisation tools in decision-making will allow the simulation to explore the real performance of a supply chain. Motivated by the limitations of existing supply chains simulation and optimisation tools, the aim of this study is to combine them in a single tool. More specifically, we aim to develop an |intelligent| simulation tool with an embedded optimisation tool to solve various decision-making problems encountered during the simulation of a complex supply chain. Including an optimisation tool in a simulation tool allows accurate assessment of supply chains performances and overcome the lack of powers of decision-making in traditional simulation tools.
Keywords: SCM; supply chain management; intelligent simulation; optimisation; decision making; production networks; intelligent simulators; distribution networks; network analysis; random phenomena; complex phenomena; simplified rules; real performance; complex supply chains; services operations; services management; informatics; logistics.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSOI.2011.038318
International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2011 Vol.6 No.1/2, pp.106 - 123
Published online: 07 Mar 2015 *
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