Title: An integrated tool to forecast and reduce refinery contribution to SO2 pollution peaks
Authors: Olivier Duclaux, Ludovic Donnat, Cecile Puel, Francois-Etienne Carlier, Michel Laborde, Emmanuel Buisson
Addresses: Total Research Center (CRES), BP 22, 69360 Solaize, France. ' Total Research Center (CRES), BP 22, 69360 Solaize, France. ' Total Research Center (CRES), BP 22, 69360 Solaize, France. ' Dpt QSEH Total Donges Refinery, TOTAL France, BP 33, 44480 Donges, France. ' Dpt QSEH Total Donges Refinery, TOTAL France, BP 33, 44480 Donges, France. ' Numtech, 6 allee Alan Turing, Parc technologique de La Pardieu, BP 30242, 63175 Aubiere, France
Abstract: For many plants, the annual average impact is significantly lower than the regulation limit. Nevertheless, in some critical meteorological conditions, pollution peaks may occur. The present study describes an original control method for refinery emissions based on meteorological forecast and dispersion modelling, to avoid SO2 pollution peaks. An integrated operational tool has been developed to forecast, automatically, 24 h a day, the environmental SO2 impact around the plant for the next two days. The operational system allows the site to avoid the major part of pollution peaks and the associated cost.
Keywords: meteorological forecasting; pollution peaks; SO2; dispersion modelling; sulphur dioxide; air pollution; air quality; refinery emissions; environmental impact.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2011 Vol.44 No.1/2/3/4, pp.115 - 121
Published online: 29 Apr 2015 *
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