Title: Determinants of user continuance intention to use e-government
Authors: Soud Mohammad Almahamid, Arthur C. McAdams
Addresses: Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Al Hussein Bin Talal University, P.O. Box 143691, 11814 Al Bayader, Amman, Jordan. ' School of Business, University of Bridgeport Mandeville Hall (Room 304), Bridgeport, CT 06604, USA
Abstract: This study empirically explores the determinants of user continuance intention to use e-government. A questionnaire was developed based on the e-government continuance to use literature. A convenient sample of Jordanian citizens was chosen. The results of data analysis revealed that the continuance intention to use e-government services is a function of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, PISE, and perceived information quality. This research has not taken into account the possibility of any intervening, mediating, and moderating relationships that influence the hypothesised relationships at the research model. This research gives policy makers and decision makers insight into improving continuance intention in e-government applications.
Keywords: e-government; continued intention to use; perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use; perceived information quality; electronic government; Jordan.
International Journal of Electronic Governance, 2010 Vol.3 No.4, pp.343 - 372
Published online: 13 Feb 2011 *
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