Title: Environmental degradation and conflict in Karamoja, Uganda: the decline of a pastoral society
Authors: Ashley D. Inselman
Addresses: World Vision, Program Officer, East Africa, 300 I Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4373, USA
Abstract: Throughout history, the Karamojong people of northeastern Uganda practiced a method of pastoralism. Limited surface water, a hot, arid climate, and a short season of torrential rains guarantee excessive soil erosion and land degradation. However, the Karamojong|s mobility ensured that their herds grazed throughout the year without jeopardising future grazing. Despite their ecologically sustainable practices, few people understood the Karamojong|s system of pastoralism and proposed curbing their mobility – through policy or more often, through force. This paper argues that because of the settlement of the Karamojong in an area not environmentally suitable for settlement, violent conflict has increased. The Karamojong|s lifestyle has led to societal marginalisation, and a national policy of militarisation. In response, the Karamojong believe they have only two options: fight or settle. This paper proposes that a more sustainable solution for the people and the environment is to support the Karamojong|s transhumant lifestyle, and thus, produce peace.
Keywords: environmental conflict; transhumant; pastoralism; development; Karamoja; Uganda; range management; farmer-herder.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2003.003863
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 2003 Vol.3 No.2, pp.168 - 187
Published online: 10 May 2004 *
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