Title: Low complexity RAKE receiver for TH-based multiuser UWB system with realistic UWB indoor channel
Authors: Himanshu B. Soni, U.B. Desai, S.N. Merchant
Addresses: SPANN Lab, EE Department, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Mumbai-400076, India. ' SPANN Lab, EE Department, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Mumbai-400076, India. ' SPANN Lab, EE Department, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Mumbai-400076, India
Abstract: We have considered multiuser communication scenario with ultra wideband (UWB) communication. UWB device is transmitting the data by time hopping (TH)-based system, TH-PPM, TH-PAM and DS-UWB. The UWB device is transmitting data over multipath rich channel model recommended by IEEE 802.15.3a working group. This channel model is based on Saleh-Valenzuela model. For better performance at receiver side, adaptive equaliser is required; this increases the complexity of receiver. Here we have considered the RAKE receiver for TH-based UWB system. This RAKE receiver structure is not a conventional RAKE, but it is pre-RAKE structure. In this case, we have evaluated performance of system by considering the RAKE receiver at the transmitter side. Here we have assumed the condition that channel sounding is available before transmission for quasi static UWB channel. Based on this knowledge RAKE fingers are selected for pre-RAKE. UWB channel is multipath rich channel so full RAKE adds more complexity in receiver and hence put limitation on effective data rate. Here we have considered low branch RAKE receiver. Performance of the system model is evaluated with realistic UWB channel model.
Keywords: ultra wideband; UWB indoor channels; RAKE receivers; SV models; multiuser communications; time hopping; Saleh-Valenzuela model.
DOI: 10.1504/IJUWBCS.2011.038637
International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems, 2011 Vol.2 No.1, pp.44 - 54
Published online: 31 Mar 2015 *
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