Title: Effective team processes for technology internalisation with special emphasis on knowledge management: successful late starter, Samsung case
Authors: Sun-Hark Bong, Jinjoo Lee, Youngjoon Gil
Addresses: Graduate School of Management, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 207-43 Cheongryangri-dong, Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul 130-012, South Korea. ' Graduate School of Management, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 207-43 Cheongryangri-dong, Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul 130-012, South Korea. ' CTO office, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, San 14-1 Nongseo-ri, Kihung-eup, Yongin-shi, Kyunggi-do 449-712, South Korea
Abstract: Knowledge management, especially in technological innovation, is becoming the most important organisational activity for the long-term success of a firm and related conceptual and empirical research is increasing rapidly. However, little empirical research into effective team processes has been undertaken, taking into account moderating factors to knowledge management in the context of a late starter. This study analyses the moderating influence of the technology internalisation mode between effective team processes and performance of technology internalisation by investigating 14 technology development projects of Samsung, renowned worldwide as a successful late starter. According to multiple case studies, results of the analyses suggest three team processes that we derive theoretically and empirically – team building, information seeking, and problem solving have a positive impact on technology internalisation. Also, the results suggest that the importance of the team building and information seeking process varies with technology internalisation modes. Furthermore, it is shown that effective problem solving styles are different along technology internalisation modes.
Keywords: knowledge management; team process; moderating influence; technology internalisation; case study.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2004 Vol.27 No.1, pp.16 - 39
Published online: 10 May 2004 *
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