Title: The moderating effect of feminist identity on transformational leadership and sales performance relationship
Authors: Fusun Cinar-Altintas, M. Hakan Altintas, F. Bahar Isin, Necmi Gursakal
Addresses: Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Uludag University, Gorukle Campus, 16059 Bursa, Turkey. ' Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Uludag University, Gorukle Campus, 16059 Bursa, Turkey. ' Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Baskent University, Baglica Campus, 06810 Ankara, Turkey. ' Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Uludag University, Gorukle Campus, 16059 Bursa, Turkey
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to evaluate the moderating effect of perceived feminist identity of women sales managers on transformational leadership and sales performance relationships. A web-based questionnaire was used and 140 women managers replied. Three main scales were used for analysis: Transformational leadership scale developed by Podsakoff et al (1990); sales performance scale derived from Behrman and Perreault (1982) and Sujan et al. (1994) and finally, the synthesis (S) stage of the feminist identity composite scale designed by Fischer et al. (2000). Two main hypotheses were tested by moderated regression. The main findings of the paper were that perceived feminist identity at the S stage has a moderating effect on the relationship between transformational leadership and sales performance and transformational leadership has a positive effect on sales performance as expected. This article will enhance sales management literature from a feminist perspective.
Keywords: women; gender; sales managers; feminist identity; transformational leadership; Turkey; feminism; females; moderating effects; sales performance; Phillip Podsakoff; Douglas Behrman; William Perreault; Harish Sujan; composite scales; Ann Fischer; moderated regression; synthesis stage; entrepreneurs; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurialism; management; sustainable development; sustainability.
DOI: 10.1504/WREMSD.2011.039307
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2011 Vol.7 No.2, pp.192 - 211
Published online: 31 Jan 2015 *
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