Title: Rehearsing for an audience: students learning science through video production
Authors: Geoff Hilton
Addresses: School of Education, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, 4072, Australia
Abstract: A study adapting the writing-to-learn in science model to include video production was conducted. Two Year 7 classes (N = 21, N = 22) in mixed ability and gender groups completed a science investigation. One class recorded their findings using a written text (posters) and the other produced videos. Quantitative results revealed greater learning gains for the video producers. Video data analysis indicated heightened awareness of audience for video producers and a subsequent tendency to rehearse before filming; both contributed to learning gains. Educational technological innovations such as in-class video production, combined with appropriate teacher pedagogy, can enhance students| science learning.
Keywords: audiences; classroom innovation; student videos; video production; rehearsals; writing-to-learn; mixed abilities; gender groups; science investigations; written texts; posters; learning gains; data analysis; heightened awareness; educational technologies; in-class videos; teacher pedagogy; learning enhancement; Queensland; Australia; state schools; challenges; science education.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2011 Vol.9 No.3, pp.311 - 324
Published online: 26 Nov 2014 *
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