Title: Towards a better, science-based, evaluation of kinetic non-lethal weapons
Authors: L. Koene, A. Papy
Addresses: Netherlands Defence Academy, Faculty of Military Sciences, P.O. Box 10,000, NL-1780 CA, Den Helder, The Netherlands. ' Royal Military Academy, Department of Weapon Systems and Ballistics, Renaissancelaan 30, B-1000, Brussels, Belgium
Abstract: A review of relevant existing experimental methods to evaluate so-called kinetic non-lethal weapons is presented. Next performance tests of two existing non-lethal weapon systems are shown and compared with other projectiles. Tissue simulants and an accurate determination of their physical properties are important to improve evaluation methods of non-lethal projectiles. Knowledge of physical properties is necessary to allow the physical modelling of the human body and interaction with projectiles. Presumably, for this purpose plasticine (clay), soap and gelatine are relevant tissue simulants. The present status of knowledge in this field is discussed. In addition, expectations and possibilities for the future are discussed.
Keywords: kinetic non-lethal weapons; NLWs; less-lethal weapons; wound ballistics; terminal ballistics; tissue simulation; modelling; non-lethal projectiles; plasticine; soap; gelatine; projectile impact.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIDSS.2011.039548
International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems, 2011 Vol.4 No.2, pp.169 - 186
Published online: 28 Feb 2015 *
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