Title: Perspectives of local public-private partnerships towards urban sustainability in Greece
Authors: Stella Kyvelou, Nektaria Marava, Georgia Kokkoni
Addresses: Department of Economics and Regional Development, Panteion University, Athens, Greece; ESPON2013 Hellenic Contact Point, 136 Sygrou Ave., 17671, Athens, Greece. ' Hellenic Foundation Scholarship, Department of Economics and Regional Development, Panteion University, Athens, Greece; 31 Karaoli Dimitriou St., 15237, Athens, Greece. ' Administrative Region of Peloponnese, 21 Filias St., 21100, Nafplio, Greece
Abstract: This paper aims at presenting key perspectives of local public-private partnerships (PPPs) in Greece in respect with the effort of adapting urban governance towards sustainability. It is structured into three main units. Firstly, it attempts to define PPPs in general and in environmental policy, in particular. Secondly, it draws upon an analysis of local government reforms in Greece and the prevailing current factors of developing new urban governance schemes and new local responsibilities towards sustainable development. The third section is about the endorsement of PPPs in managing urban environmental infrastructure in Greece. The paper concludes that PPPs appear to be a good practice offering local governments the opportunity to overcome a number of constraints and claim a more active role in local policies towards sustainability. The paper attempts to highlight the way in which PPPs are currently employed by local authorities for urban environmental management projects.
Keywords: public-private partnerships; urban governance; environmental PPPs; Greece; urban sustainability; sustainable development; urban infrastructure; environmental infrastructure; environmental management.
International Journal of Sustainable Development, 2011 Vol.14 No.1/2, pp.95 - 111
Published online: 28 Feb 2015 *
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