Title: Academic entrepreneurship – the structure of incubator management and best practice reported on Swedish business incubators' websites
Authors: Pia Ulvenblad, Marita Blomkvist, Joakim Winborg
Addresses: Knowledge Entrepreneurship and ENterprise (KEEN) Research, School of Business and Engineering, Halmstad University, P.O. Box 823, S-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden. ' Knowledge Entrepreneurship and ENterprise (KEEN) Research, School of Business and Engineering, Halmstad University, P.O. Box 823, S-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden. ' Knowledge Entrepreneurship and ENterprise (KEEN) Research, School of Business and Engineering, Halmstad University, P.O. Box 823, S-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to describe the extent and content of information regarding incubator management structure, selection, support and network mediation on Swedish incubators websites and analyse connections between different incubator management structure and the content of incubator best practice. The data is based on information reported on 44 incubator websites in Sweden processed within the SPSS system. The findings show that incubators with more male representation in board and coach/advisor personnel report a more active part in business support including network mediation.
Keywords: incubator management; best practice; websites; Sweden; internet; world wide web; business incubators; management structures; management selection; management support; network mediation; male representation; gender; board members; business coaches; business advisors; higher education; universities; business support; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; entrepreneurs; academic entrepreneurship.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2011.039685
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2011 Vol.12 No.4, pp.445 - 458
Published online: 11 Oct 2014 *
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