Title: Sequential fluid dynamics and structural mechanics simulations of a reactive moulding process
Authors: Robert Sekula, Tomasz Nowak, Oliver Claus
Addresses: ABB Corporate Research Center, Starowislna 13a, 31-038 Krakow, Poland. ' ABB Corporate Research Center, Starowislna 13a, 31-038 Krakow, Poland. ' ABB A.G., Oberhausener Strasse 33, 40472 Ratingen, Germany
Abstract: A wide range of medium and high voltage electrical equipment, including switch gears, voltage and current transformers, sensors and bushings is produced by reactive moulding technology, in particular by means of automated pressure gelation method. Application of appropriate materials, process parameters (mould temperature, filling time, filling velocity, initial temperature of internal parts, gelation time), as well as design and geometric parameters of the product are key factors for better quality components. In this paper, a new approach for modelling both moulding stages, namely filling and curing is presented. The simulation tool is based on a commercial CFD package. To simulate the reactive nature of the system with exothermic effect, viscosity and reaction kinetics models were successfully implemented. Novel simulation procedures for stress and shrinkage calculations, as well as simulation results with their experimental verification are also presented in the paper.
Keywords: reactive moulding; curing; numerical simulation; epoxy shrinkage; CFD; computational fluid dynamics; structural mechanics; modelling; filling; exothermic effect; viscosity; reaction kinetics; stress; shrinkage.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.2011.039934
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2011 Vol.40 No.3/4, pp.250 - 263
Published online: 28 Feb 2015 *
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