Title: Railway vehicles diesel engine and turbo transmission optimal coupling
Authors: V. Lucanin, B. Davidovic
Addresses: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Railway Engineering, 27.marta 80, 11000 Belgrade, FRY. ' Institute ''Kirilo Savic'', Vojvode Stepe 51, 11000 Belgrade, FRY
Abstract: Fulfilment of the optimal traction conditions (primarily the maximum tractive force and efficiency coefficient) of a diesel motor train depends on proper coupling of the diesel engine and turbo transmission (torque converter). During the construction and installation of new engines and transmissions, or during diesel engine replacement, it is necessary to adjust the operational characteristics of the engine. In this paper, the methodology outlined was developed and applied in the reconstruction project of the diesel motor train produced by Macosa, Spain, and used by the Macedonian Railways. Reconstruction has included replacement of the diesel engine, the replacement of the complete cooling system for the diesel engine, the turbo transmission and the axle transmitter. To verify the reconstruction, power system tests were carried out on the test rig, including: (a) diesel engine and turbo transmission coupling testing; (b) determination of turbo transmission output traction parameters; and (c) testing of the diesel engine-turbo transmission cooling system.
Keywords: diesel engine; engine-transmission coupling; railway vehicles; vehicle dynamics.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHVS.2004.004034
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2004 Vol.11 No.1, pp.100 - 114
Published online: 10 May 2004 *
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