Title: Innovation and entrepreneurship: managing the paradox of purpose in business model innovation
Authors: Allan O'Connor, Shahid Yamin
Addresses: Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5005, Australia. ' College of Business and Economics, United Arab Emirates University, P.O. Box 17555, Al-Ain, UAE
Abstract: This paper explores the paradox between innovation and entrepreneurship in the context of business model innovation. Innovation focused companies develop policies to enhance human capital and develop a broad base of relationships that generate new ideas and directions. This seems paradoxical to corporate entrepreneurship that seeks to leverage particular intellectual properties through a market focus and penetration. A culture of innovation on the one hand is inefficient due to its nature of experimentation, broad relationship base and interests in discovery while corporate entrepreneurship seeks to capitalise on innovation through the business model to gain scale efficiencies and profitability. The paper concludes by proposing a multi-perspective conceptual framework to capture and represent the shifts in intellectual capital needed to manage these intertwined concepts.
Keywords: human capital; new ideas; new directions; corporate entrepreneurship; intellectual properties; market focus; market penetration; business cultures; experimentation; relationship bases; discovery; scale efficiencies; profitability; multi-perspective frameworks; conceptual frameworks; intertwined concepts; learning; intellectual capital; business models; innovation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLIC.2011.041071
International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 2011 Vol.8 No.3, pp.239 - 255
Published online: 27 Nov 2014 *
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