Title: Integration-communications training for improving productivity and conflict resolution strategies among culture and language diverse construction sites
Authors: Fernando Aveiga, Oscar Valverde, Edward J. Jaselskis, Kelly C. Strong
Addresses: Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Iowa State University, N131 Lagomarcino Bldg., Ames, Iowa 50011, USA. ' Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242, USA. ' Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Iowa State University, 450 Town Engineering Bldg., Ames, Iowa 50011, USA. ' Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Iowa State University, 454 Town Engineering Bldg., Ames, Iowa 50011, USA
Abstract: This article quantifies the effect of communication and conflict on the performance of construction crews with Hispanic workers. Sixty-nine Hispanic and US construction workers completed a test measuring the frequency, type, and resolution of conflict. Conflict theory is used to explain how multicultural construction crews are impacted in terms of workers| productivity, safety, and quality of work. The results show that greater friction on the jobsite produces negative effects on various aspects of construction work. Language barriers were identified as the most frequent reason for conflict. Communications training was tested using an integration approach in which Hispanic labourers and US workers learned from each other. Such training substantially increased construction language knowledge and alleviated many conflicts on the jobsite.
Keywords: integration; communications training; Hispanics; construction crews; diverse languages; Iowa; USA; United States; productivity; conflict resolution; culture; cultural differences; language diversity; construction sites; conflict theory; multicultural crews; safety; quality of work; language barriers.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHRDM.2011.041113
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2011 Vol.11 No.1, pp.16 - 37
Accepted: 02 Nov 2010
Published online: 29 Oct 2014 *