Title: On the stability and controllability of fuzzy control set differential equations
Authors: Nguyen Dinh Phu, Lam Quoc Dung
Addresses: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vietnam National University (VNU), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. ' Faculty of Economics and Commerce, Hoa Sen University, Vietnam
Abstract: Recently, the field of differential equations is being studied in a very abstract manner. Instead of considering the behaviour of one solution of differential equations, its sheaf solution and, especially, fuzzy differential equations (differential equations whose variables and derivatives are fuzzy sets) are being studied. In this paper, fuzzy differential equations are generalised to be fuzzy set control differential equations (FSCDE), and we present the problem of stability and controllability of FSCDE. The paper is a continuation of our works in this direction for FSCDE.
Keywords: fuzzy set theory; set control differential equations; fuzzy differential equations; fuzzy logic; fuzzy sets.
International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 2011 Vol.5 No.3/4, pp.320 - 335
Published online: 31 Mar 2015 *
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