Title: Global logistics strategies and experiences: the case of Korea Express
Authors: Paul Hong, Mark Vonderembse
Addresses: Information Operations and Technology Management, College of Business and Innovation, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA. ' Information Operations and Technology Management, College of Business and Innovation, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
Abstract: As global trade expands, the need to move supplies, parts, components, sub-assemblies and products increases at a rapid pace; and the need to have immediate, accurate, and secure information about the content of each shipment and its arrival time becomes vital. For firms facing these dynamic markets, global supply chains and distribution channels that require global logistic platforms are essential for success. This paper features an interview with the chief executive officer and other members of the senior management team at Korea Express (KX) which is one of largest global logistics firms in Asia. KX is recreating itself to respond to these emerging trends in global logistics by effectively serving not only national and regional markets including China and Japan but by serving international markets. Senior executives discuss key aspects of the global logistics strategies and their experiences at KX.
Keywords: global logistics; logistics strategies; South Korea; economic progress; Korea Express; global trade; product shipments; transportation; distribution channels; global platforms; logistic platforms; Asia; emerging trends; national markets; regional markets; China; Japan; international markets; senior executives; SCM; supply chain management; global supply chains; globalisation; logistics systems; logistics management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2011.041502
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2011 Vol.9 No.2, pp.141 - 149
Published online: 06 May 2015 *
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