Title: Portrayal of vitality of technology enablers in the Indian R&D scenario
Authors: Sushanta Tripathy, Vaishali Padhi, Sonali Mohanty
Addresses: National Institute of Science & Technology Business School, Berhampur, Orissa – 761008, India. ' National Institute of Science & Technology Business School, Berhampur, Orissa – 761008, India. ' National Institute of Science & Technology Business School, Berhampur, Orissa – 761008, India
Abstract: Research and development (R&D) has changed the mode of functioning from a 1950s isolated laboratory approach to interactive approach in the inception stage of 21st century. In liberalisation, privatisation, globalisation and recession (LPGR) generation, R&D performance measurement is different from country to country and firm to firm. Technology is a very credential factor affecting the performance of R&D organisations. Factors influencing R&D performance differ from one country to another, indicating the effect of diverse socio-culture settings of the countries around the world. This paper attempts to extract categories of dominate factors affecting the performance of R&D in Indian manufacturing firms. Based on questionnaire survey, principal component analysis, and factor analysis have constructed five constructs: innovative competency, market focus, roadblocks to R&D, financial measures, and R&D management strategy. The result shows that R&D management strategy is the key enabler of Indian R&D scenario.
Keywords: performance measurement; research and development; India; principal component analysis; PCA; R&D enablers; technology enablers; R&D management; R&D performance; manufacturing industry.
DOI: 10.1504/IJVCM.2011.042073
International Journal of Value Chain Management, 2011 Vol.5 No.2, pp.119 - 140
Published online: 26 Mar 2015 *
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