Title: Eco-innovation: reflections on an evolving research agenda
Authors: Frans Berkhout
Addresses: Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), VU University, Amsterdam 1081 HV, The Netherlands
Abstract: This short paper reviews some trends in social science research on eco-innovation, drawing attention to four trends in particular: better disaggregated empirical research on firms, research on knowledge and technology flows, linkage of economic and physical models and growing sophistication in the analysis of policy and governance on eco-innovation. While these are important advances, there remains plenty to do.
Keywords: eco-innovation; research agendas; ecology; R&D; research and development; social sciences; disaggregated research; empirical research; knowledge flows; technology flows; economic models; physical models; governance; firms; new product development; NPD; regulation; regulatory frameworks; policy analysis; management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTPM.2011.042079
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2011 Vol.11 No.3/4, pp.191 - 197
Published online: 31 Mar 2015 *
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