Title: The determination of students' fuzzy rating points and qualification levels
Authors: Olga Poleshchuk
Addresses: Faculty of Electronics and Computers, Department of Higher Mathematics, Moscow State Forest University, 1st Institutskaya, Mytishy 141005, Moscow Region, Russia
Abstract: This paper presents five methods developed to formalise the educational process data and to determine students| rating points and qualification levels taking into account their academic progress, as well as psychophysiological and personal characteristics. The novelty of these methods lies in the fact that the authors do not operate with the numerical values of the above-mentioned characteristics, but formalise them with the help of fuzzy sets. Fuzzy sets on the unified basis are being used to formalise data of the educational process that makes it possible to manipulate with them correctly and to get stable final results.
Keywords: fuzzy rating points; student qualification levels; clustering; student rating points; academic progress; psychophysiological characteristics; personal characteristics; fuzzy sets; fuzzy logic; student evaluation; student assessment; quality control.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2011.042535
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2011 Vol.9 No.1, pp.3 - 20
Published online: 07 Feb 2015 *
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