Title: Intentionally holistic knowledge intensive service systems
Authors: Jennifer Wilby; Linda Macaulay; Babis Theodoulidis
Addresses: Hull University Business School, Cottingham Road, Hull, HU6 7RX, UK. ' Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, Booth Street East, Manchester, M15 6PB, UK. ' Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, Booth Street East, Manchester, M15 6PB, UK
Abstract: This paper applies a new framework of systems science to service science. This new framework reveals the effect of the interactions between systems principles and system structure in revealing complex systems behaviour, demonstrates why such methodologies are classed as being systemic, and how these systemic methodologies can be used to explore, design and manage emergent complex behaviour in practice. This paper then proposes that this framework of ideas can be transferred to inform the content of the existing roadmap for researching service systems, and thereby improve the design of new intentionally holistic service systems and the understanding and management of existing service systems and knowledge intensive service systems. Further research will investigate cases of complex scenarios in service systems, with the aim of transferring that knowledge (and its implications) to the fields of research, practice and education in both systems science and service (systems) science.
Keywords: systems science; systems thinking; service systems science; service system design; KIS; knowledge intensive services systems; KISS; service science.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSTM.2011.042592
International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2011 Vol.16 No.2, pp.126 - 140
Published online: 21 Feb 2015 *
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