Title: Narrating the Triple Helix concept in ''weak'' regions: lessons from Sweden
Authors: Christian Jensen, Bjorn Tragardh
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Commercial Law, University of Gothenburg, Box 610, SE 405 30 Goteborg, Sweden. ' Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Commercial Law, University of Gothenburg, Box 610, SE 405 30 Goteborg, Sweden
Abstract: This paper critically examines the positive narrative surrounding the Triple Helix concept as a model for development in all kinds of regions. We claim that existing and problematic structural preconditions should be taken into consideration when applying the Triple Helix concept in weak regions. Empirically, we base our paper on two longitudinal case studies in Sweden, where government are trying to break the negative trends in weak regions by initiating Triple Helix-like programs. However, due to poor preconditions, such initiatives tend to fail. Thus, a negative narrative can be related about Triple Helix cooperation when applied in weak regions.
Keywords: weak regions; regional development; Triple Helix; narratives; role of university; Quadruple Helix; discourse dealers; university-industry-government.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2004 Vol.27 No.5, pp.513 - 530
Published online: 10 May 2004 *
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