Title: The delicate balance: mass customisation for large-scale organisational change
Authors: William Seidman; Michael McCauley
Addresses: Cerebyte, Inc., P.O. Box 1674, Lake Oswego, OR 97935, USA. ' Cerebyte, Inc., P.O. Box 1674, Lake Oswego, OR 97935, USA
Abstract: Headquarters and local work units almost always approach change initiatives from different perspectives. This can create substantial challenges for organisation leaders, managers and workers. Principles of mass customisation, along with the latest science, can now be applied to these change initiatives, providing a direct and effective way to maintain the balance between headquarters and local requirements. Recent research and technology advances provide a scientific approach to organisational transformations based on mass customisation. Using this approach, almost any organisation can achieve rapid, repeatable transformational results.
Keywords: mass customisation; organisational change; positive deviance; neuroscience; fair process; leadership; persuasive technology; organisational transformation; motivation; wisdom; transformational leadership; transactional leadership; grassroots change.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMASSC.2011.042960
International Journal of Mass Customisation, 2011 Vol.4 No.1/2, pp.67 - 80
Received: 11 Jan 2011
Accepted: 04 Jul 2011
Published online: 28 Feb 2015 *