Title: Data and ontological modelling approach to allowing traceability through freight transportation chain
Authors: Sabri Bendriss; Abdellatif Benabdelhafid
Addresses: Integrated Logistic Information System, CERENE Laboratory, Graduate School for Logistics Studies 'ISEL', Le Havre University, Quai Frissard – BP: 1137, 76063, Le Havre Cedex, France. ' Integrated Logistic Information System, CERENE Laboratory, Graduate School for Logistics Studies 'ISEL', Le Havre University, Quai Frissard – BP: 1137, 76063, Le Havre Cedex, France
Abstract: The role of goods transportation in a globalising world economy becomes very important for the balance of the international supply chains. For this reason, the establishment of goods traceability solution on all their multimodal transport chain, can contribute to the control of flows and allows thus to optimise the supply chain in its totality. To achieve this goal, this paper presents two new modelling approaches for the design of our traceability solution. Thus, we will present our modelling data approach for enabling goods traceability in a multimodal transport context. In a second phase, we will present an integration approach for our traceability solution according to a service-oriented architecture, and which will lead to the modelling of new ontologies for semantic description of our traceability web services.
Keywords: goods traceability; information system; data modelling; multimodal transport; service oriented architecture; SOA; web services; ontologies; semantic web; goods transport; supply chain management; SCM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCENT.2011.042967
International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise, 2011 Vol.2 No.2/3, pp.184 - 202
Published online: 10 Oct 2011 *
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