Title: Factors influencing the productivity of knowledge workers: a case study from an Iranian Oil Company
Authors: Ali Noruzy, Ali Asghar Hayat, Aliasghar Rezazadeh, Sajjad Najafi, Loghman Hatami-Shirkouhi
Addresses: Faculty of Psychology and Education, Department of Educational Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. ' Faculty of Psychology and Education, Department of Educational Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. ' Department of Technical Engineering, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran. ' Department of Industrial Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran. ' Sama Technical and Vocatinal Training College, Islamic Azad University, Roudbar Branch, Roudbar, Iran
Abstract: This study aimed at studying factors influencing the productivity of knowledge workers at the Iranian Oil Company (IOC) through factor analysis. Ninety experts working at the staff units of IOC were selected and responded to a researcher-made questionnaire. This questionnaire, the reliability of which was confirmed by Cronbach I, included 50 items. Findings were analysed through second-order factor analysis using LISREL software. Findings revealed job satisfaction and capability were the individual factors which impacted productivity. In addition, of the organisational factors, participation, education, motivation and organisational communication influenced productivity. Finally, role clarity, challenging work and autonomy were the occupational factors affecting the variable. Indices for the fitness of the model were root mean square error of approximation, adjusted goodness-of-fit index, goodness-of-fit index and comparative fit index with their scores being 0.062, 0.91, 0.94 and 0.93, respectively, indicative of the appropriate fitness for the model.
Keywords: modelling; factor analysis; productivity; knowledge workers; IOC; Iranian Oil Company; Iran.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2011.043010
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2011 Vol.8 No.4, pp.459 - 479
Published online: 11 Oct 2011 *
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