Title: Internationalisation of architectural firms from emerging economies: the Malaysian experience
Authors: Abdul Rashid Abdul-Aziz; Haniza-Azmaya C.M. Nor Azmi
Addresses: School of Housing Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. ' School of Housing Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Abstract: Studies on the internationalisation of the services sector, particularly from developing economies, are lacking. A study on the internationalisation of Malaysian architectural firms was conducted to determine the motives for internationalisation, their competitive strengths, countries they penetrated, the locational factors they considered before entering foreign markets, methods of securing work and market entry modes. Data were collected using a postal questionnaire survey and follow-up interviews. Fifteen out of the known 54 internationalised firms returned their completed questionnaires (28% response rate). Seven agreed to be interviewed. The sampled firms internationalised at different rates using various pathways, mainly depending on top management judgement and chance. Quality of service and mutual recognition of professional qualification were the highest ranked firm-related and country-related competitive strengths, respectively. Their greatest concern with host countries was political stability. Networks played an important role in securing overseas work and entering foreign markets.
Keywords: architectural services; competitiveness; locations; internationalisation; networks; business pathways; overseas trade; developing economies; Malaysia; architectural firms; emerging economies; architects; service sector; competitive strengths; business penetration; locational factors; foreign markets; securing work; market entry; internationalised firms; top management; managerial judgment; service quality; mutual recognition; professional qualifications; firm-related strengths; country-related strengths; host countries; political stability; overseas work; competitive advantage; globalisation; business advancement.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 2011 Vol.4 No.4, pp.336 - 355
Published online: 04 Nov 2011 *
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