Title: Learning resources granularity: a lever for the issue of adaptability in adaptive hypermedia systems
Authors: Amal Battou; Chihab Eddine Cherkaoui; Driss Mammass
Addresses: Laboratoire IRF-SIC, Université IBN ZOHR, Faculté des sciences & Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion, B.P:15136 cité salam, Agadir, Morocco. ' Laboratoire IRF-SIC, Université IBN ZOHR, Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion Agadir, B.P. 37/S, Agadir, Morocco. ' Laboratoire IRF-SIC, Université IBN ZOHR, Faculté des sciences, B.P.28/S, Agadir, Morocco
Abstract: Adaptation becomes more and more important in modern educational systems. Building an Adaptive Learning System requires granular and reusable content. The main goal of this paper is to examine the learning content granularity and its impact on the ability to adapt, aggregate and to arrange content suiting to the needs and preferences of the learner. We propose a new model of learning resources focusing on levels of fine-grained content. The core feature of our model is the use of learning objects approach, the educational standards and a synthesis of recent research made on the granularity concept. We will so define a new reformulation of granularity and we discuss it as a fundamental point to achieve adaptability and individualisation required in ALSs.
Keywords: adaptation; modern educational systems; ALS; adaptive learning systems; granular; reusable; learning content granularity; fine-grained content; learning objects; educational standards; adaptability; individualisation; learning resources; adaptive hypermedia.
DOI: 10.1504/IJRIS.2011.043540
International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, 2011 Vol.3 No.3/4, pp.156 - 163
Published online: 04 Nov 2011 *
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