Title: Special Introduction: Convergence of Science Parks, Centres and Clusters: From Creative Destruction to Creative Reconstruction in a Triple Helix Regime
Authors: Henry Etzkowitz
Addresses: Stanford University, USA
Abstract: A series of organisational mechanisms have been invented to foster innovation, typically inspired by the need to facilitate boundary crossing within and among organisations. In the past, many of these initiatives were relatively isolated from each other with, for example, clusters focusing on business development, centres on inter-disciplinary academic research and science parks on hosting R&D units of firms and government agencies. A process of creative reconstruction is identified in which innovation mechanisms converge; incorporating aspects of each other|s remits into their own. A Triple Helix dynamic is thus instituted in which university-industry-government collaborations become a driving force for regional economic and social development.
Keywords: science parks; clusters; research centres; innovation mechanisms; Triple Helix; creative reconstruction; regional development; university-industry-government collaboration.
International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship, 2011 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.210 - 226
Published online: 31 Mar 2015 *
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