Title: Reform of the marriage law in Argentina
Authors: Alejandro Laje
Addresses: Universidad Abierta Interamericana Law School, Chacabuco 90 (C1069AAB), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Abstract: The reform of marriage law in Argentina including same-sex couples brought a great deal of equality to the system but it has some elements inconsistent with other aspects of Family Law that remain unmodified. The modification of the marriage regime addressed the issues related to the equality principle and solidarity as the aim of the law. This article argues that the reform is not in full harmony with the Argentine legal system.
Keywords: marriage laws; law reforms; Argentina; same-sex couples; legal equality; family law; inconsistency; regime modification; marriage regimes; legal systems; solidarity principles; legal rules; private law.
International Journal of Private Law, 2012 Vol.5 No.1, pp.101 - 106
Published online: 20 Sep 2014 *
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