Title: A better understanding of the structure of a wine market using the attribute of variety
Authors: Justin Cohen; Larry Lockshin; Byron Sharp
Addresses: L'UNAM – Groupe ESA – Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture d'Angers, Laboratory GRAPPE, 55 Rue Rabelais, BP 30748, 49007, Angers Cedex 01, France. ' Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, University of South Australia, P.O. Box 2470, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia. ' Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, University of South Australia, P.O. Box 2470, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
Abstract: The enhanced value of exploring attributes in the description of the structure of a wine market has been shown. In this paper, the attribute of variety is highlighted to illustrate this fact. A sample of revealed preference data obtained from a loyalty programme of a high-end retail chain in Australia is evaluated using |observed| performance measures, the |double jeopardy| phenomenon, polarisation and duplication of purchase. The market is classified by variety into managerially useful segments of |excess loyalty|, |niche| and |change of pace| behaviour. The myth of a separate white and red wine category has been dispelled. This research confirms the emerging role of Australia in attribute-based wine market research in the 21st century.
Keywords: marketing; observed measures; performance measures; double jeopardy; polarisation; purchase duplication; Australia; market structures; wine markets; enhanced value; variety attributes; revealed preference data; loyalty programmes; high-end retailing; retail chains; excess loyalty; niche markets; change of pace behaviour; white wines; red wines; attribute-based research; market research; Vintage Cellars; business; globalisation; wine industry; alcohol.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2012 Vol.8 No.1, pp.66 - 80
Published online: 14 Aug 2014 *
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