Title: Transparency as an instrument for improved efficiency and legitimacy of the public sector: a case of scientific research
Authors: Mojca Kastelc Selan; Franci Demšar
Addresses: Slovenian Research Agency, Bleiweisova 30, Ljubljana 1231, Slovenia ' Slovenian Research Agency, Bleiweisova 30, Ljubljana 1231, Slovenia
Abstract: This paper discusses transparency as an instrument with the potential to improve efficiency and legitimacy in the public sector. In this paper, elements of transparency in administration of scientific research in Slovenia by Slovenian Research Agency are taken under consideration. Responses of researchers and directors of research organisations are analysed regarding agency internet site with the data on published rules, schedules of all public calls, the results of research work, the results of public calls and financial data. Data show that transparency of a public institution has a positive effect on sustainable efficiency in the area of work of the public institution and improves perception of the system’s legitimacy.
Keywords: transparency; public sector management; sustainability; public sector efficiency; public sector legitimacy; public research institutions; public agency websites; internet; sustainable efficiency.
International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 2012 Vol.4 No.1, pp.89 - 110
Published online: 21 Nov 2014 *
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