Title: Service offer driven dynamic selection mechanism for business web services
Authors: Demian Antony D'Mello; V.S. Ananthanarayana
Addresses: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore, 575 028, India. ' Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Srinivas Nagar, Surathkal, Mangalore, 575 025, India
Abstract: Web service selection is a mechanism to select the most suitable web service that satisfies the requester|s various non-functional requirements. In e-business environment, the business offers (service offers) play a major role in attracting numerous consumers. To find the most profitable (in terms of service offer) web service, there is a need for the selection mechanism to rank the functionally similar business driven web services based on the provider|s service offers and the requester|s requirements on them. In this paper, the authors define a tree structure called service offer constraint tree (SOCT) to model the requester|s demands on the service offers of business web services. The authors explore the selection mechanism which selects and ranks the functionally similar business web services based on the requester|s service offer requirements and preferences. The paper also presents the broker-based architecture for business driven web service selection which facilitates the publishing and selection.
Keywords: service offers; service selection; business quality; brokers; offer constraints; service offer constraint tree; SOCT; web science; web services; business services; e-business; electronic business.
International Journal of Web Science, 2011 Vol.1 No.1/2, pp.114 - 141
Published online: 28 Mar 2015 *
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