Title: Life cycle assessment of environmental and economic benefits of bio-ethanol in Taiwan
Authors: Mei-hui Su; Chun-to Tso
Addresses: New Energy Research, Research Division I, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, 7F, No. 16-8, Dehuei St., Jhongshan District, Taipei City 10461, Taiwan. ' New Energy Research, Research Division I, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, 7F, No. 16-8, Dehuei St., Jhongshan District, Taipei City 10461, Taiwan
Abstract: To evaluate the benefits of Taiwan's bio-ethanol crop cultivation promotion on the environment, energy efficiency and economy, we undertake a recording of cultivation resources inputs data in 2007 and 2008 of four energy crops based on the LCA method. We find the net energy balance signifies energy conversion efficiency. As to the GHG, using sugarcane ethanol to replace gasoline could decrease 1.25 kg CO2e/litre. This paper will look at various aspects of overseas biofuel efforts, policy and strategies, together with Taiwan's biofuel policy, and analyse energy balance, GHG and production costs as references for Taiwan's national biofuel industry policy.
Keywords: bioethanol; energy consumption; greenhouse gas emissions; economic benefits; life cycle assessment; LCA; environmental benefits; Taiwan; energy conversion efficiency; biofuels; biofuel policy; energy balance; production costs; global warming; CO2 emissions; carbon emissions; carbon dioxide.
International Journal of Global Warming, 2011 Vol.3 No.4, pp.339 - 354
Received: 30 Dec 2010
Accepted: 22 Aug 2011
Published online: 29 Jan 2015 *