Title: The development of the successful high tech sector in Israel, 1969-2009
Authors: Amir Shoham; Gil Avnimelech
Addresses: The School of Business Administration, The College of Management, Rabin Blvd. 7, Rishon Lezion, 75190, Israel. ' Faculty of Business Administration, Ono Academic College, 104 Tzahal, Kiryat Ono, 55000, Israel
Abstract: This article describes the events and processes that led to the development of the Israeli high tech cluster. Understanding the Israeli cluster is important because Israel is probably the most successful example of replication of the Silicon Valley model outside of North America. It explains the development of multiple factors, including sophisticated human capital, technological institutions and an open, global environment, that were crucial for building the Israeli high tech cluster. This is most important for policy makers who want to learn about the successful structuring of a high-technology innovative sector in a small, open economy.
Keywords: high tech clusters; high technology industry; innovation; entrepreneurship; economic development; policy; Israel; human capital.
DOI: 10.1504/WREMSD.2012.044487
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2012 Vol.8 No.1, pp.53 - 69
Published online: 18 Sep 2014 *
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