Title: Building an intelligent sensing system: a case study
Authors: Waltenegus Dargie; Alexander Schill
Addresses: Chair of Computer Networks, Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, 01062, Germany ' Chair of Computer Networks, Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, 01062, Germany
Abstract: The conception and development of pervasive systems involve interdisciplinary team work. The team consists of people with different research background. While such a composition is desirable to solve real-world problems, it brings with it also challenges. To begin with, team members should establish a shared understanding of what should be done. Secondly, separately developed subparts should be brought together to make up a unified, consistent and side-effect free system. In this paper, we discuss the development of the senceive system as a graduate project course work. The project involves computer science, computer engineering and electrical engineering students. Technically, the Senceive system offers a stepwise abstraction of low-level concerns (sensing) from higher-level use of meaningful features.
Keywords: activity recognition; project work; complex system design; wireless sensor networks; WSNs; network configuration; intelligent sensing; interdisciplinary teams; teamwork; graduate projects; coursework; higher education.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAACS.2012.044781
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, 2012 Vol.5 No.1, pp.3 - 17
Published online: 05 Dec 2014 *
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