Title: Wind turbine wake: a disturbance to wind resource in wind farms
Authors: Sandrine Aubrun
Addresses: Laboratoire PRISME, Université d'Orléans, 8 rue Léonard de Vinci, F-45072 Oréans Cedex 2, France
Abstract: The present paper aims to summarise the activities from the Laboratory PRISME of the University of Orléans in the context of wind resource assessment with the '3%-vision' suggested by the European Wind Energy Technology Platform, and particularly of the wind turbine wake properties. Based on experimental investigations in an atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel, some information about the diffusion process of the wind turbine far-wake, the minimal degree of modelling of the rotor to study its far-wake, the unsteady behaviour of the wake and the production loss due to wake effects are presented and discussed.
Keywords: wind energy; wind turbine wake; wind turbines; physical modelling; porous disc; actuator disc concept; atmospheric turbulence length scales; atmospheric boundary layer; ABL; wind resource assessment; wind tunnels; wind power; rotors; unsteady behaviour; production loss.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESMS.2012.044839
International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation, 2012 Vol.4 No.1/2, pp.2 - 10
Published online: 30 Aug 2014 *
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