Title: Malek Bennabi's concept and interdisciplinary approach to civilisation
Authors: Badrane Benlahcene
Addresses: Faculty of Arts, King Faisal University, P.O. Box 1759, Ahsaa 31982, Saudi Arabia
Abstract: This article examines Malek Bennabi's concept of civilisation and its equation. It undertakes a conceptual approach to Bennabi's analysis of the term 'civilisation' and his efforts in conceptualising civilisation and analysing its fundamental components and the appropriate approach to it as a socio-historical and cultural phenomenon. The article will answer this question by looking at the various conceptualisations put forth by Bennabi about civilisation, its structural ingredients, and the interdisciplinary approach to civilisation as developed by Bennabi to tackle the various aspects of civilisation as multidimensional phenomenon.
Keywords: Bennabi; civilisation; interdisciplinary approach; culture; Muslim countries; colonisability; religion; development; ingredients; Islam.
DOI: 10.1504/IJACMSD.2011.044896
International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development, 2011 Vol.2 No.1, pp.55 - 71
Published online: 28 Feb 2015 *
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