Title: If you think socialisation in mLearning is difficult, try personalisation
Authors: Zane L. Berge
Addresses: University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA
Abstract: Recently a lot has been written about Web 2.0, its focus on social networking, and its potential for eLearning. This carries forward to mLearning, a particular type of eLearning. Personalised learning has also been in the literature for decades. Much of this has involved a plea to individualise learning based on learning styles theories. This paper reviews the case for personalised learning, but instead of building on learning styles, the case presented here has more to do with mLearning as a way for learners having choice in what, how, and where they learn, both in school and out of school.
Keywords: personalised learning; social networking; learning styles; socialisation; social media; networks; mobile technologies; personalisation; Web 2.0; interactivity; collaboration; interactive media; collaborative media; individualisation; learners; schools; mobile learning; m-learning; online learning; e-learning; electronic learning; online learning; internet; world wide web.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMLO.2011.045314
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 2011 Vol.5 No.3/4, pp.231 - 238
Published online: 18 Feb 2015 *
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