Title: Advanced air traffic management technologies: the ADS-B impact over ATM concepts. The case for Portugal
Authors: Cláudia V.C. Rodrigues; Jorge M.R. Silva; Kouamana Bousson
Addresses: Department of Aerospace Sciences, University of Beira Interior, 6200-358 Covilhã, Portugal. ' Department of Aerospace Sciences, University of Beira Interior, 6200-358 Covilhã, Portugal. ' Department of Aerospace Sciences, University of Beira Interior, 6200-358 Covilhã, Portugal
Abstract: ADS-B is a very useful system to solve surveillance precision problems mainly if installation, operation and maintenance costs of alternative ones are too expensive when they are based on air traffic figures. This paper begins with some remarks about ADS-B technology, precisely to introduce the case study of Azores archipelago within Santa Maria FIR, in Portugal. On the basis of real scenarios of Pescara, Trabzon and Rhodes, and using EMOSIA model, a study is conducted to understand costs and return on investment on such equipment in Azores area. Finally, the paper concludes with some highlights of future research.
Keywords: automatic dependent surveillance broadcast; ADS-B; CNS/ATM; Santa Maria FIR; Portugal; air traffic management; air traffic control; Azores.
International Journal of Aviation Management, 2012 Vol.1 No.3, pp.162 - 180
Published online: 23 Aug 2014 *
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