Title: Improving the model view controller paradigm in the web
Authors: Santiago Robles; Juan Lautaro Fernández; Andrés Fortier; Gustavo Rossi; Silvia Gordillo
Addresses: LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, Calle 50 y 115, La Plata, Buenos Aires, CP 1900, Argentina. ' LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, Calle 50 y 115, La Plata, Buenos Aires, CP 1900, Argentina. ' CONICET and LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, Calle 50 y 115, La Plata, Buenos Aires, CP 1900, Argentina. ' CONICET and LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, Calle 50 y 115, La Plata, Buenos Aires, CP 1900, Argentina. ' CIC and LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, Calle 50 y 115, La Plata, Buenos Aires, CP 1900, Argentina
Abstract: Nowadays, web applications have changed from static, information-based web pages to dynamic, service-oriented software. As they evolved, these web applications started to show features that used to appear only in desktops applications. We have reached a point in connection speed and browser maturity where there is only one thing preventing the next big step: the ability of web servers to send information to the client without a previous request. In this paper, we present Meteoroid, a framework that allows a system running in the server to send information to web browsers without a client request. On top of this functionality we have built a full model-view-controller protocol, allowing us to create web applications that completely mimic desktop ones.
Keywords: Comet; MVC; web framework; Seaside; Smalltalk; model view controller; web applications; internet; web browsers; online auctions.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWET.2012.045764
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 2012 Vol.7 No.1, pp.22 - 44
Published online: 16 Aug 2014 *
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