Title: Fair value evaluation: analysis and determinants
Authors: Chedli Baccouche; Sana Ben Ghodbane
Addresses: ISCAE, Campus Universitaire, 2010, Manouba, Tunisia. ' IHEC, Carthage Presidence, 2016, Tunis, Tunisia
Abstract: The implementation of a new accounting referential IAS/IFRS introduced a new philosophy for the estimation and the valorisation of a corporation's assets as well as liabilities. Our objective is to identify the main factors which influence a practitioner's choice of the fair value as a basis for evaluation. Empirical results indicate that businesses owned by a foreign group whose auditor is affiliated with a 'Big Four' chose the fair value. Furthermore, the absence of complex fiscal adjustments and the corporation's field of activity are important factors which influence the choice of the practitioner.
Keywords: IASB; International Accounting Standards Board; IFRS; International Financial Reporting Standards; guidelines; historical costs; Tunisia; fair value evaluation; determinants; accounting referentials; asset estimation; asset valorisation; corporations; company assets; company liabilities; practitioner choice; businesses; foreign ownership; auditor affiliation; Big Four; auditors; audit firms; PwC; PricewaterhouseCoopers; Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu; Ernst & Young; KPMG; complex adjustments; fiscal adjustments; corporation activities; critical accounting.
International Journal of Critical Accounting, 2012 Vol.4 No.1, pp.77 - 91
Published online: 07 Aug 2014 *
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