Title: A new approach to discover the complex mappings between ontologies
Authors: Fatma Kaabi; Faiez Gargouri
Addresses: Laboratory MIRACL, The Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia, B.P. 242, Sfax 3021, Tunisia. ' Laboratory MIRACL, The Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia, B.P. 242, Sfax 3021, Tunisia
Abstract: Ontology matching is of great interest in knowledge management domain especially when dealing with heterogeneous knowledge. Different approaches have been reported for ontology alignment. Most of those approaches are based on similarity measurements. Therefore, they can detect only the equivalence relations between entities and do not take into account the asymmetric relations such as the subsumption. In addition, complex matching has very few studies for ontologies matching. This paper presents a hybrid, extension alan asymmetric matching approach designed to find out complex matching between ontologies. In this approach, we use the association rule to discover implicative and conjunctive mapping containing complex matching.
Keywords: ontology matching; complex matching; association rules; implication intensity; knowledge management; ontology alignment.
International Journal of Web Science, 2012 Vol.1 No.3, pp.242 - 256
Published online: 21 Aug 2014 *
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