Title: A three-layered framework for evaluating e-participation
Authors: Simon Smith; Ann Macintosh; Jeremy Millard
Addresses: Institute of Communications Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. ' Institute of Communications Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. ' Danish Technological Institute, Kongsvang Allé 29, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Abstract: This paper presents a framework for evaluating e-participation, distinguishing between internal project components and external moderators and between front and back regions of e-participation from a governance perspective. It uses a three-layered impact assessment framework comprising outputs, outcomes and impacts and employs the notion of an intervention logic specifying types of actions necessary to initiate and manage participation processes. Its multi-layered and bounded character prompts evaluators to consider links to high-level policy goals, cultural factors and the chain of transformations which condition long-term impacts. We show how we populated the framework for the purposes of a study of European e-participation.
Keywords: e-participation; electronic participation; political engagement; impact assessment; evaluation frameworks; logical models; intervention logic; internal project components; external moderators; front regions; back regions; outputs; outcomes; participation processes; high-level goals; policy goals; cultural factors; transformation; long-term impacts; European Commission; European Parliament; electronic governance; e-governance.
International Journal of Electronic Governance, 2011 Vol.4 No.4, pp.304 - 321
Received: 09 Sep 2010
Accepted: 10 Nov 2011
Published online: 27 Mar 2012 *